Care Delivery – Debbie


Debbie describes an 'upgrade' for her pacemaker that was an ordeal.


And the pacemaker, that was an ordeal in itself … I came into the clinic for the pacemaker and they check you and all of that. And so, the doctor told me that, she said, ‘We have an upgrade.’ So, I’m on the table and they’re saying, ‘We’re going to give you lots of good stuff. And I said, ‘Will it put me to sleep?’ They said, ‘No.’ I said, ‘Well, most drugs just put me to sleep. Even if you give me something to, you know to dry my mouth out, it puts me to sleep.’ Anyway, I was awake and now and then I would snooze off and then I would wake up with pain because it hurt so much when he was trying to put that new defib pacemaker into me. It was horrible. I mean absolutely horrible pain. And I thought, ‘I had enough pain. I’m tired of it. I don’t want any more pain.’ And I cried out and he would say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ He was having a hard time putting it in because of the scarred tissue from the radiation from breast cancer. So, they finally got it in and I was not happy. I was miserable, thinking why would they put me through this. Why didn’t they just put me out. They said, ‘Well, you’re in the cardiac Cath lab and we don’t put patients out here.’ I said, ‘Well, you know you should especially for me.

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